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The Girl And Her Dreams ch. 2/3

Mary has a brother. Her brother is a carpenter. A carpenter is a man or woman who makes things of wood, for example houses, furniture.

He has a very beautiful house. This house is made of wood. The brother is very proud of it because he made it by himself. He has a big family. Six children like when aunt Mary comes to them for Christmas.

She gives them a lot of presents, usually books. The children hate books. They prefer video games.

One day Mary realized that she wanted to have a husband. So she signed up with a popular online dating site. Suddenly almost ninety candidates visited her profile. "Hello beautiful. What's up?", asked the first. "You know, same old", replied Mary... and so on. After the conversation Mary went to the shower. After washing she went to bed. At some point, she heard a strange sound...


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1 komentarz

  • Somebody

    Angielski nie jest problemem tylko dlaczego mam wrażenie jakbym czytała wypracowanie ucznia z podstawówki?

    Ala ma kota. Kot jest czarny. Koty to ssaki, które często mieszkają w domach i łapią myszy....  :smh:

    7 lis 2022